Rapunzel/Darth Vadar Kisses Spider Man | Huge Identity Crisis | personal

 {Judah & Jordyn | Tucson, AZ | March 2012} I'm not sure if i need to explain much. Kids found cool Darth Vadar mask that was the result of a recent successful garage sale outing, Jordyn insisted on putting on her Rapunzel outfit from another garage sale find a year ago, Judah put on his 2 year old spiderman hand-me-down costume and then they insisted on giving each other a kiss. Of course I might have made the initial suggestion, but regardless.... mothering is pretty darn hard, but little snippets like these make life make more sense. :D | lkm

Raising Kids | personal

{Judah & Daddy | The plethora of faces we have trained our kids to crank out on the spot | Downtown Tucson, AZ | November 2011} We've had an interesting schedule the past couple months. While Lawson waits to have more hours added to his plate at Starbucks, he's provided me with a generous amount of 'work days' to continue working on photography and developing relationships with fellow photographers and vendors in Arizona. While I love being able to get my productive 'working girl' fix throughout the week, I count the enormous blessing of having this man be my kid's father. He is goofy. He is bizarre. He is passionately in love with his family and dedicated to spending time and providing as darn best he can....And he's raising his kids to love each other. It really is a pretty beautiful thing. | lkm

my gosh. these kids are awesome :)


Playin' Dirty | Tucson Mom | personal

{My kids | Tucson, AZ | January 2012} Activities are a hard thing for me. Creating new things for the kids can sometimes give me stomach aches. I'm not sure why. I'm not sure what the big deal is inside of me head. Am I really so competitive or obsessive that I feel the pressure of making sure each day is impressively packed with the most amazing mommy activities so i get to brag about them to my husband at the end of the day? Seriously. I sometimes think that. 'Oh fantastic mother you--how wonderful you were to endure an hour of play-doh. your husband with smother you with lavish gifts and acolades for being such a giver.' How lame Laura. Really. What if i could just GET the fact that Judah and Jordyn just wanna let loose a little and have fun? Doesn't need a name, a structure, rules or even pictures to prove we did it. What if a mere mound of dirt would be the highlight of their day? I don't know why this toddler stage stresses me out so much. Its a conundrum. But this particular day i stifled the anxiety about an extra load of laundry, shoes full of sand and an uncomfortable dirt-filled bathtub later and tried to get down n' dirty WITH them. (after i put the camera away). ta da. | lkm

McPhilipps Family & Co. | Romeo, Florida | Family Portrait Photographer

{McPhilipps Family & Co | Romeo, Florida | October 2011} Everybody has personality. Some have personalities that bursts, pop, flare, sass, hit you smack in the face, chase you off, draw you near and dear and even makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm sure that is an official title of some cool pyscho-assessing book somewhere in the world. If i were to write a personality book, I'd use these images and the offspring from this little pod to provide case in points. No kidding. When you get a bushel-full of whiz, bang, pow, beat em' up kinda  boys and a heaping cup o' girly squeals--you'd have to! But don't take my word for it...

(above) check out that smokin' gun and that snarl. can't beat that face. :)  cousin lovin'  (below) this would be, hands down, my first choice for the cover of my book  such sweet little facesthe marshland was eating him...and he had just broken his cool stickbig bro and his sneaky little spit fire of a wingman :)a mini mommy&me moment more cousin lovin'i want this whole cousin series framed :) Rikki, you scored such a cool backdrop with those huge oak trees and praise JESUS he sent those golden sun beams just for you and aaron at that last minute. :) McPhilipps & Richardsons... I am so glad I got to snag such a fun collection of memories for your 2011! Thank you so much for getting all dressed up and cozy with family, for trusting me, and definitely for letting the kids whip out all their tricks for the most fun batch of faces, energy and personality i 'er did see! Happy 2012. I can't wait for next years!! ;-)

How to Greet a Grandma | personal

 {Picking Up Moo Moo from work | Tucson, AZ | November 2011} I snagged a few shots of the kids running to get moo moo after a long week at work. "Happy Friday Moo Moo," they yelled. I've decided that they modeled possibly the top best way to greet somebody: shreak and run into their arms. Hands down best way to say 'i love you.' Even adults should implement that into their greetings from time to time. I don't know about you, but that'd probably rock my face off. With that said, Monday just ended. It's the beginning of the week. Try planning a sweet way to bound, with great abandonment, into the arms of somebody you care about--not just because it'll make you feel awesome, but because you want to make them feel adored. Do it. And then maybe post on my FB wall that it rocked your face off as well. | lkm

Happy Birthday Jasmine! | Tucson Children Photographer

 {Jasmine | Fellowship of the Cross, House Church | November 2011} This young lady is hosting a mighty fine birthday party tomorrow at a cool pizza place in town. And honestly, i'm really excited about going. One, it'll be awesome to see my kids eye's bug out of their sockets as they experience Peter Piper Pizza/Arcade for the first time. But more significantly, this little girl impresses me so much. She and her family are part of my FIL's house church that meets out of our home on Sunday mornings. During the 'big people' discussion time, kids shoot back to the kid's room to find new things to do with princess dress up clothes, thomas the train tracks, half naked barbies and all the mysterious games you can create with those mixed together. (note to self: work on building a more diverse toy box). She's just a wee little one, but she is so attentive to Judah & Jordyn on Sunday Mornings. Judah adores her. She's got an enormous amount of gentleness and graciousness and is, by far, the best 'share-er' I've ever seen.

(above) those were definitely Jasmine's toys that she gracious let my kids...strip. Again, note to self: get Judah more boy toys.

This is me saying 'thank you' Jasmine. (And to your mama, 'Bravo, Debbie. You have done a great job!') You are a beautiful young lady and I delight in seeing your attentive little heart grow and engage with those around you. :)

Griffith Family | Tucson, Arizona | Family Portraits

{Grifftith Family Portriat Session  | Auga Caliente, Tucson, AZ | November 2011} This family is extra special to my heart. Derek, the dad, was one of the first guys at Second Mile to chase Lawson down and befriend. Jen, the mom, has rocked my world with her testimony. She was introduced to Jesus less than 4 years ago and it changed her life. She radiates a bazillion tons of joy and belief that makes my head swim and my heart intrigue. Even Lawson has said on numerous accounts, 'Laura, you should rub up again her. A lot'...(beat) uhm, he probably said it a bit differently. that just came out weird. But point made. We would rub up against the Griffiths every day if we could. It's true Griffiths. We are so excited about getting to know you guys better! (P.S. I've never had a client plaster their home with their session's pictures as fast and as die-hard thoroughly as Jen did. It's awesome! I mean--it'd be awesome even if it wasn't my work. I just love pictures. But the fact that i took them--so cool. So encouraging. In fact, I believe an MVP award might be due...)

Miley...gosh her little smile just makes me beam :)I had to warm Abby up a little. I warned her, 'So Abby, you will feel uber cheesy, silly -- but you gotta nose dive ok straight into this lil' project? So...i'm gonna say 'snap' and every time i do, you have to whip up a different pose, pop a hip, make a silly face...lets just play. It took 20 'snaps' and we landed some GREAT keepers :)sisters...guh. i love sister shots. yes owen was genuinely gnawing on Derek's nose. he's such a beast.

Halloween in Vogt Springs of Dunnellon, Florida | Holiday Memories Pt.1

{My 2 Black Eyed Pees in a Pod | Dunnellon, Florida | Halloween Memories 2011} I just choked on my gum when i realized that i had never posted pictures from Halloween this year. In fact, i haven't posted anything really personal in a while. So instead of putting it off and just letting them sit in my 'cool pictures the dummy never posted,' I thought I'd spill a few inside scoops of the Moore Clan's holiday experiences. And we're going to start with my FAVORITE holiday of all: Halloween. (insert sarcasm) The best part, hands down, however, was the costumes. Judah & Jordyn were 2 Black Eyed Pees in a Pod...

My cousin-in-law, Rikki the Creative Genius (her official name I've decided) made her kid's own costumes. Check these out...Grace was a peacock. SO cool...Ryland was a dragon...isn't that SO stinkin' creative?! I mean, she used a flippin' swimming NOODLE for the dragon spine. high five mom, high five.Kayden was a stellar mummy...No. Halloween is NOT my favorite holiday nor is Trick-or-Treating the best activity i've ever thought to do with my kids. I was quite confident that i'd turn around while wandering around Vogt Springs and have to peel Judah from underneath the belly-side of the wagon he was riding in. I mean, toddlers are just barely beginning to imagine and create stories and characters in their head when all of sudden you toss 'em into a good community neighborhood event that involves zombies slobbering over 'welcome' signs and horrific screams coming from half-closed tombs in spider-web infested, smoke-spewing front yards. I'd pee my pants too. But regardless of this highly-opinionated mom's perspective of the festivities, the Richardson Twins stole a bazillion double-takes as they confidently strolled down the street side by side...The kids ate it up! All of it. Literally--completely taken with the idea of shoving their faces full of candy. The one night a year, i'm sure, that all mom's throw concerns of teeth, bedtime and a 2 foot tall human being's ability to contain a pound of sugar to the wind. 'Sure kid! Eat Up! You and your pillow-padded tummy and smeared black eye-liner are too cute to say no to. I'll clean up your vomit later."The suckers were the best part of it all. Judah and Jordyn had 10. i'm sure. And half of them ended up half-eaten and oozing at the bottom of their pumpkin pails. It was awesome. The next morning we picked apart the 'un-oozed' candy from the 'oozed and destroyed' wads of cavities-cough-i mean, treats. Ok. Aside from the left-hook sassy remarks about Halloween, I actually had a good time watching the kids experience the whole thing. It was a treat to spend time with cousins and do Halloween in 'Vogt Springs' style. Small town neighborhood events like these are special--everybody knows everybody else. I like being able to walk down a street and wave and talk to everybody i see. Of course i try to do that wherever i go, but apparently Tucson has yet to warm up to that over-zealous friendliness. :)

Anyways, thank you RICHARDSONS for the treat of an experience AND the treats that are rotting in my kids faces. (not really) I'm gonna treasure these pictures forever. :D | lkm

And if you so feel like getting in on the memory fun, post a link to your Halloween Memories post below!...

Capaccio Family | Arizona Family Photographer

{Capaccio Girls | Agua Caliente, Tucson, AZ | December 2011} Oh my stars I am drooling over all this color. :) When I tell families, 'pop the make-up, bring a wardrobe that offers texture and options, possibly toss in a few props to play with'...I sometimes get a nervous chuckle in return. However--when Christine called to talk shop about a family session, she took up the challenge and even brought one of those HUGE colorful parachutes to play with! I died. Capaccios brought their A-game, I brought my giddy little self, God delivered His sunset---awesomeness on a platter. | lkm

oh to have a sister... I was SHOCKED I snagged this one shot. both of them could NOT keep from bustin' up. tender little mercies getting mom and dad to give me a 'bit o' romance' was one of my highlights from the shoot. we had to warm up a bit, set the girls up right behind me to 'oo and awww' on cue. Soon enough they got through their giggles (cough) (i mean manly laughter) and... signed...


...and delivered. :D - Capaccios, you rock. Fiercly like. :) Happy New Year! | lkm

LKM Give-Away Contest | and the winner is...

This is how giddy i feel.... {Joelle Angulo | Riverside, CA } The past 2ish weeks I've had a give-away contest going on. See HERE for the skinny. There were 5 ways to enter. 35 people got in on the fun and 55 entries were picked from! So without much more ado...

Congratulations KAITIE BOYKO, from southern California. I am excited to give you a LKM Mini-Session Gift Certificate redeemable any time in 2012! :)

One other prize I wanna dish out is a 'thank you' to the most active and zealous participant BECCA BRINKLEY who not only entered the contest in all 5 ways possible, but she got her husband and a few friends in on it, AND actually wrote a spiffy poem to boot.  You can read it HERE. You're sweet becs :)

Thank you for taking part and keepin' up with all this craziness! Merry Christmas!