PORTRAIT FLASH SALE: 8 Reasons Why You Want to Tap Into This


It's Monday. Day One of the rediculously insane LKM Portrait Flash Sale. I have been hosting a little countdown on facebook in anticipation and glory be, the response has been fantastic! 

Here are 8 reasons why you want to tap into this:

#1. 50% off guys. I'm a clarence junkie. I see this and I'm like, HOOK UP YO. = HAPPINESS. 

#2. Christmas Gift Certificate options just got a whole lot more cool. FOR HALF OFF. #yeababy

#3. You're gonna be like, that super prudent friend with fresh 2014 holiday pictures that are full of life and personality and milestones. #legit

#4. Christmas Cards get out early. Or at least ON TIME. #woah

#5. Two-fers. I.E. Two sessions for the price of one. #zealousmuch? It's a real thing.

#6. Shout out to you awesome entrepreneurs, social media gurus, sales peeps...be on the ball and roll out a fresh face-lift in January? #headshots 

#7. Empty nesters...both pre and post babies... you can strut your sweetheart selves #ownit

Which reason tickels your fancy? You have another reason? Post below in the comments and receive $10 off your session booking. "Share" the link and get another $10 off. Tweet about it.... same deal. You get the picture. Have fun. 

BOOK HERE on our updated "book a session" page!

Look forward to hearing from you!

Tucson Botanical Gardens | Ng Family Portraits

It's almost Father's Day and this dad's interaction with his daughters were some of my most favorites taken all year. It was my first time shooting in Tucson Botanical Gardens and I could barely contain my excitement. It was pretty darn dreamy. And with these girls so bright eyed and bright colored, it was a pretty special session experience.

Here is the NG family. Full of joy and such a gentle, patient family. 

Ocotillo: Sonoran Desert's "Flaming Sword" | Texture Tuesday

For a plant that is often called the "vine cactus" and used as "fencing" because its spiny arms keep intruders out, the Ocotillo's springtime blooms are amazing bursts of color. It actually goes by other names like Candlewood, Slimwood, Coach Whip or Jacob's Staff. But personally, I prefer "Flaming Sword." Little fiery blossoms of surprise and life. 

It's like people, right? Sometimes you just don't give them enough credit and suddenly they bloom forth and you step back and think, "Wow! and that was inside of you this whole time? Such life!" 

....the desert is ripe with life lessons.

P.S. I want to print the last one particularly large. Like, the size of a headboard in my daughter's room. :)

Ocotillo Buds n' Blossoms | 20 x 40 Metal Panels - Ready to Mount $220 set

Ocotillo Buds n' Blossoms | 20 x 40 Metal Panels - Ready to Mount $220 set

Ocotillo Blossoms | 16 x 20 Fine Art Metal Panel - Ready to Mount $225

Ocotillo Blossoms | 16 x 20 Fine Art Metal Panel - Ready to Mount $225

Ocotillo Blossom | 60 x 40 Fine Art Giclee Canvas | $525 

Ocotillo Blossom | 60 x 40 Fine Art Giclee Canvas | $525 

Charlie + Ronika: Tucson Palo Verde Desert Wash & Sunset Bike Ride Engagement Session

Charlie & Ronika are so chill and made my job was painfully easy. I realized that much of their ease would allow me to hush up and let them breathe together. Pre-wedding craziness is at a high and this evening together seemed to be progressively more of a detox "i-love-you-so-much" interlude. And the reminding grace that "oh-my-gosh-i-want-to-be-with-this-person-forever" seemed to wash over them in moments of sweetness and sunbeams...sunset bike rides. I am beyond excited for their wedding at the Tucson Museum of ArtGame on baby. | lkm

EDIT // I asked Ronika for some of the backstory for her and Charlie's wedding day and she gave the sweetest proposal story that i had to add...

Its beginning: The modest rumble of a triumph motorcycle, led me to you that night. I made my way to the door to thank you, Charlie, for the two colorful assorted bouquets. I found you at the end of the steps looking hesitant but sexy in cowboy boots, fitted jeans, button down gray shirt covered by a brown vest. I walked toward the man who I had desired since a young girl. By our third date I realized he was the face I had tried so hard to imagine, a man full integrity, love and a need for adventure. I opened my arms and you embraced me, I felt the slightest trembling running through your skin. You grabbed my hands and looked up at me with a big determined grin and said, “Ronika a year ago today I asked you to hangout and today I wanted ask if you would hang out with me for the rest of your life!” . The man of my dreams took one knee and asked me to marry him. I was altogether beside myself unable to keep tears of happiness from ruling my entire face. My dreams had become a reality this is a moment I shall always remember....Shall we always to choose to love.

HAPPY APRIL! Announcing Spring Sessions 2014!

I still remember my first spring here...i wasn't in a very good spot. 2011 was wrought with painstaking drudgery and the last place I wanted to be was in the desert. And then April hit and I was driving down in a borrowed car on North Houghton, kids cranky in the back, my heart hurting and hating all things dead and brown. Suddenly i passed over a wash and nearly slammed on my breaks. There, for miles, were Palo Verde trees exploding into shades of yellow and happiness. 

It really is incredible. Even on a few unfortunate streets around town, these unsuspecting trees take center stage and remind me that life and happiness are here. You just have to patient for it. 

So Happy April! Take your family out and enjoy the perfect weather. Embrace a little life. And possibly, just maybe, I can meet you there. (And if you're on the fence, go to my FAMILY PORTRAITS page and maybe i'll convince you there. ;) 


Downtown Tucson Urban Family Photographer | Appleman Family

This family is so much fun. 2 years ago we did family pictures in a more earthy setting (go here to see that family portrait session at Agua Caliente. Boy have those girls grown since!) So this time around they chose to go urban, fun natural. And boy oh boy, did those little girls crank up the charm! Scott and (whom he affectionately calls) his "Appleman Chicklets" just giggled a whole bunch. I pretty much want to print a HUGE version of that picture of their whole family laughing at each other in the alley. Like Kitchen-Table Huge. Hear that Janice? K, good.  | lkm

Arizona Wedding Photography | Catalina Foothills Private Estate | Inspiration: Hippies, Biceps and Burlap | Part One

Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0026{Arizona Wedding Photography | Catalina Foothills Private Estate | Inspiration: Hippies, Biceps and Burlap}

Brent & Erica are beasts. They love the outdoors, thrive in physical activity, boast of outdoing eachother's push-up count--the first conversation I had with them immediately turned to Erica's emphatic insistence that humans have simply forgotten that were were designed to run and 50 miles is no biggee. riiiiight... They are a hoot. And madly in love. Since they actually had a destination wedding in Tucson and had to plan their wedding long-distance from Colorado, Erica's mom and aunt were the wedding planners. I met with them first and legitimately choked on coffee the entire time because I was laughing so hard. Laughter just runs in the veins of these people. It's incredible. I was STOKED to be able to capture the laughter on such a special day...They warned me prior to meeting Erica...'she's no frills. totally relaxed. no crazy demands. pretty hippie'...and when I met the bride-to-be--ms. blue eyes and blonde dreads  she simply said..."Just do your thing. I'm not even sure what I want...except that people are happy; that we look happy--stay happy." And to quote one of my movies: "Their happy was so very LOUD." | lkmTucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0008Erica had these awesome uber-hippie  sandals made from scratch. real leather. tanned and stained just for her.Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0009 she also wore her grandma's pearls and kept an heirloom of a hankerchief with her throughout the dayTucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0002Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0005 the prelude to the whole shibang was awesome. so chill. sisters hanging out with cousins. it was great! Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_000412_04_28_MOORE-158 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0011 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0012Erica was such a fun bride!Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0013 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0014 Lori, mom, is an amazing mom. She pretty much made me cry just watching her get weepy throughout the day. Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0015And then they had a first look moment...so tender and special. They couldn't WAIT to be together that morning. And as soon as she, literally, flew up into his arms, it was like a very definitive "start" switch was flipped. like the day had officially started and they were going to be side by side the whole way through. Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0035Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0037Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0036 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0020 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0021 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0022 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0023 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0024biggest. bouquet. ever. Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0025 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0027 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0028 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0030Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0029they totally insisted on this pose...boys, boys, boys. (props to my 2nd shooter Tony Bernardo for snatching this shot below) Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0034 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0031Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0032 Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0033Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0018Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0066Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Catlina-Foothills-Laura-K-Moore_0019(check back for PART TWO tomorrow!)

Lauren | Ventana Canyon Couture Bridal Session | Tucson Wedding Photographer

Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0005{Lauren | Ventana Canyon Couture Bridal Session | Tucson Wedding Photographer}

Lauren's grandmother MADE her incredible wedding dress.  Jaw-dropping right? Hand-laced. Hand-loved. I haven't been able to do very many bridal sessions and it was extraordinary. The ability to relax, capture these still moments in this one of a kind dress, laugh and giggle a bit with the bride-to-be, practice moving and enjoying her wedding dress ...it was really special. I'm so glad we did this Lauren. I'm so glad you took the time and thought to honor your grandma and all the sweat, blood and tears that went into this piece of art. You are a joy. | lkm Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0006


We specifically wanted to get pictures of grandma actually working on the dress...

Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0008Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0002 Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0009Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0003and of course grandpa got to sneak in a kiss as well :)

Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0001Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0004Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0019and then we went to go enjoy some of the glowy sunset up in the foothills of the catalina mountains

Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0012Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0013 Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0010Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0007Loews-Ventana-Canyon-Tucson-Wedding-Photography-Laura-K-Moore-Bridal-Session_0011Joy, LKM


Jeff & Laura | A German Flight Attendant + Military World Traveler | Tucson Engagement Session


{Tucson Earthy Engagement Session | Jeff & Laura | March 2013}

Jeff & Laura have a love story straight out of a chick flick. No joke. She's a German flight attendent who flies all over the world and Jeff is in the military, they met in the air, on a plane, thousands of feet above the earth. See what I mean? Doesn't it just make you wanna break out in song?! Or send their story to Hollywood or something?! Laura first contacted me on facebook as she prepared to come visit Jeff from Germany for a few weeks in February. By the hair of our chinny chin chin we found a date that worked, planned a shoot and hooked her up with soft, sweet, natural styling by my bomb stylist Dana Buchanan. | My time with Jeff & Laura was a royal picnic. I'd hang out with them just for fun any day. I underestimate how goofy and easy going Jeff would be--oh! and their heart-warming affection for each other is  pure gold. (sigh) Oh friends, I hope these pictures are a treat to smile over for years to come. :) Joy, LKM

Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0033yea yea yea. i realize that the frame thing is SO yesterday's pinterest fad...but whatever. they rocked it. Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0034 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0035 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0036 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0037 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0038Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0032 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0039 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0040 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0042Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0041 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0043 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0044 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0045 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0046 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0047 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0048 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0049 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0050 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0051 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0052 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0054 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0055 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0056 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0057 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0058

Andrew + Sam | Tucson Desert Rain-Soaked Maternity Session

2013-03-13_0010{Tucson Maternity Session | Desert Rain | February 2013} 3 years ago my little family of 4 (at that time) lived together with Andrew & Sam. It was one of the best years ever. Doing life together; intentionally living 'in community' as we called it, was a glorious challenge that stretched us and drew us close and taught us much. We have braved some stormy weather together and apart these past 3 years, and just a couple weeks ago I had the absolute treat to shoot Andrew & Sam's maternity session. I'm pretty sure it was the coldest day of the year. Sam sure thought so. She had prepared for sunny skies and the notorious Tucson heat--of which, i reminded her, is actually seasonal and that we do, in fact, have SEASONS in the desert. weird, i know. but now you know. | So this is them. The Horvath family. They are and always will be so very dear to our hearts. This precious  little anticipated bundle of humanity will be joining us in just 2 months. Holy Moly. This is life everyone. There is life in there! (A little creepy. A lotta awesome.) Love you friends! | LKM 2013-03-13_0001 2013-03-13_0003 2013-03-13_00042013-03-13_0002 2013-03-13_0005 2013-03-13_0006 2013-03-13_0007 2013-03-13_0008 2013-03-13_0009 2013-03-13_0011 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0012 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0013 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0014 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0015 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0016 Tucson_Desert_Maternity_Portraits_Tanque_Verde_0017SO SO SO excited for and eagerly waiting for you to join the ranks of parents equally as overwhelmed with the significance and intensity of our job! WOOT! Go team go. | lkm